Once you have a page to work with, you would then add a catalog component to the page. Click here for more information on adding components to a page. Below is a sample image that will appear to indicate where the catalog component was placed.
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Modifying the Catalog Component
Edit the catalog component by clicking on the sample image of the catalog. If you are in Simple Mode, the editing window will open; if you are in Advanced Mode, select "Edit" in the small window that popped up over the catalog component. You will see the following screen:
The Title, Category Title, and Category Description font styles may be modified by changing the default values next to each item.
The descriptions and images may be hidden or displayed by checking the appropriate box. These two selections only control the layout of the main catalog page.
Style sheets for the main catalog page may be applied. See the section on style sheets for further information.
The Catalog Title can be customized by typing a new title in the space provided. The title acts as the primary heading for the catalog page.
Before a customer can access the shopping cart, a shopping cart page must be selected. Select a page that contains a shopping cart component from the drop-down menu provided. If necessary, create a shopping cart page before proceeding.
The text that displays on the "Add to Cart" and "Update Price" buttons may be customized. Type the text to display in the fields provided.
To use a custom image for the "Add to Cart" and/or the "Update Price" button, click on the "No Image" text under the button to change. The image selection administration page will open in a new browser window.
To change an existing custom image used for the "Add to Cart" or "Update Price" button, click on the current image name. The image selection administration page will open in a new browser window.
To apply any changes made, press the "Update" button located at the bottom of the administration page.
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The display of the actual product items within the catalog may be customized by changing any of the available options.
Objects such as an item’s image or price can be hidden or shown by clicking on the appropriate check box.
To use the product catalog as an image gallery only, hide the "price" and the "add to cart button".
To move the description around the Add to Cart button, select in the drop-down menu for the section "Other Options".
When finished, click the "Update" button located at the bottom of the administration page.
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How actual product categories are displayed within the catalog may be customized by changing any of the available options.
Objects such as images or prices can be hidden or shown by clicking on the appropriate check box.
The image spacing and alignment can be modified by changing the selections from the drop-down menus provided. See the section on aligning images for further information.
When finished, click the "Update" button located at the bottom of the administration page.
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Item Groups
How item groups are displayed within the catalog may be customized by changing any of the available options.
Objects such as an item group’s image or price can be hidden or shown by clicking on the appropriate check box.
When finished, click the "Update" button located at the bottom of the administration page.
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How packages are displayed within the catalog may be customized by changing any of the available options.
Objects such as a package’s image or price can be hidden or shown by clicking on the appropriate check box.
When finished, click the "Update" button located at the bottom of the administration page.