Calendar Manager

Overview | Create Calendar | Calendar Properties | Jump to a Specific Date | How to Add an Event | Adding an Event | Editing an Event

The calendar feature allows you to add one or more interactive calendars to your site. Here are just a few possible applications: The Calendar Manager allows you to create, delete and edit calendars. You may edit a calendar's color scheme, modify its daily schedules of events, specify blackout times, and control how much access your site visitors will have to event information and scheduling. To add the calendar to a Web page, you would need to add a calendar component.

Create Calendar
To create a calendar from the Calendar Manager, go to the Administration home page. Click on the blue text of your sitename to go in to the Website Editor. Click on "Tool Box" in the secondary navigation menu. Click on "Calendar Manager".

When the Calendar Manager page first loads, you will see the following screen

Enter in a name for your new calendar, then click on the button "Create". You will see the following screen:

Choose your calendar in the drop-down menu to the right of the text "Calendar". Click on the button "Edit" to edit the calendar. Click on the button "Delete" to delete the calendar. When you edit the calendar, you will see the following screen:

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Calendar Properties
To get to the properties section of the calendar, open up the Calendar Manager. Select a calendar to edit, then click on the button "Edit". Below the small picture of the current month, click on the blue text "Properties".

The following screen will load:

Calendar Name - If you want to change the name of the calendar, you would do so here. The name of the calendar is for your use only, to assist you in identifying which calendar is which.

Timezone - Setting this option will display that timezone for your calendar in the Calendar Manager. Those who visit the Web page that has the calendar will be able to define which timezone that they want the calendar to display as.

Simultaneous - Enter in the number of events that you want to allow to be scheduled for the same period of time. If you want the system to accept an unlimited number of events for a specific time frame, enter "0" (zero).

Allow Adding - If you want to allow Web site visitors to add events to the calendar, this option would be checked.

Show Details - If you have full-view enabled for the calendar component, you may check this option to display the event details in the full-view view of the calendar. If you do not have full-view enabled for the calendar component, you may check this option to display the event details only when a customer clicks on the event name.

Notify - If the Web site visitor is able to add an event to the calendar, the customer will be able to request an e-mail reminder to themselves if this option is checked. The e-mail will be sent from the e-mail address that is listed in the field "Email" text field.

Other Information

Event Types - By default, this field has been filled in with "General". The event types that appear when adding an event are designated here. Click in the blue text area. Type out your event types and hit "Enter" on your keyboard to separate different event types from each other.

When you are done specifying properties for the calendar, click on the button "Update" to save and apply your changes.
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Jump to a Specific Date
To jump to another month or year, select the month or year in the drop down menu, then click on the blue text "Go". The monthly calendar will reload with information on the selected month and year.

To manually move through month to month, click on the blue << to move to the previous month or the blue >> to move to the next month. After you click on the << or the >>, the monthly calendar will reload with information on the selected month.

If the system is already displaying the month in which you want to select, you may click on the day that you wish to work with.

The day that is underlined shows you the current day.

The day that has a dark grey background is the day that you are currently viewing.

Once you click on a day, the daily schedule will load on the right side.
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How to Add an Event
To add a one-time event, you may click on the blue text "One Time Event" above the daily schedule or you may click on the time that the event will start.

To add a weekly event, you may click on the blue text "Weekly Event" above the daily schedule or you may click on the "W" for the time that the event will start.

To add a monthly event, you may click on the blue text "Monthly Event" above the daily schedule or you may click on the "M" for the time that the event will start.

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Adding an Event

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Editing an Event
The events in the daily schedule are color coded based on the event time - light gray for one-time events, pink for monthly events, and light green for weekly events.

If you hover your mouse pointer over the event type, you will see the event details in a small window section.

You may click on the blue text "Edit" to edit the event or the blue text "Delete" to delete the event.

When you edit an event, the window will be identical to the window when you added the event with the exception of the button "add" now replaced with the button "Update".

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